The Latest

A compilation of navy tales and obscure narratives by distinguished public historians of the Emerging Civil War in celebration of the organization’s tenth anniversary. Co-edited and with multiple chapters by Dwight.

SELECT A PRESENTATION, 50 Minutes with Slides

“They really enjoyed your presentation, were blown away by your expert use of graphics, and learned a lot about the CSS Shenandoah and the men who sailed in her.”

– Richmond Civil War Roundtable

“Your research was thorough and impressive, and your videography was beautifully and informatively presented. A fascinating story, and well done by you.”

– Hampton Roads Civil War Roundtable


Dwight Hughes is a public historian, author, and speaker in Civil War naval history and graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1967 with a major in History and Government. He served twenty years as a Navy surface warfare officer on most of the world’s oceans in ships ranging from destroyer to aircraft carrier and with river forces in Vietnam (Bronze Star for Meritorious Service, Purple Heart). Lieutenant Commander Hughes taught Naval ROTC at the University of Rochester, earning an MA in Political Science. He later earned an MS in Information Systems Management from USC.